Sunday, 10 February 2013

HP StoreServ 7200 + HP VirtualSystems + HP StoreOnce & Microsoft

Hi All,

Welcome to my blog!

I will be using this space to share our work with technology focusing on HP Enterprise Systems, VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Microsoft Business Apps, Data Protection and business continuity. All HW will be based on HP ProLiants/3PAR StoreServ 7200/HP StoreVirtual/HP StoreOnce/HP Network & HP Data Protector - Hope that this will be helpful and feel free to engage to discuss further setups, share ideas and architectures to better server our customers :-)

Keep Well and Enjoy my 1st blog :-)

This is a VM generating traffic on our VirtualSystem Cluster – (RDS VM) -> ESXTOP with four paths and RR per iSCSI MSFT Target being provided by our iscsisrv (still miss to create some load-balancing) and a cluster service to failover the 3PAR VV Disks in cause of hw issues on the current node!

I am positively surprised that the conversion from 3PAR TP VV via FC to a Windows 2012 Storage Server (DL380G5) and then formatted in NTFS 64K and then providing VHDs and being exported as iSCSI Targets, that VMware/VM do not register any significant latency nor any crazy WSS HW resource utilization! A good alternative to expand the lifetime of existent servers to shift them around.

I will be soon introducing as well iSCSI D2D Backup via DP7.x and I will keep you posted

This is our iSCSI Server bridging the iSCSI Targets to our VirtualSystem VMware Cluster and getting direct access to the 3PAR

Interesting to note is that our iSCSI GW Server, does not seem to have a big burden to export the 3PAR Volumes (thin provisioned on Raid6) over iSCSI (2x 1GbE) to our VMware Cluster and providing it with 4 available paths per target with RR .. this is a 3 to 4 year old server J

I will keep on publishing our lab results and how HP Technology is the best suited to run VMware/Microsoft Virtualization Platforms and any Microsoft workload being protected by HP Data Protector & StoreOnce technology and powered by HP Networks.

Nuno Fernandes |  IT Architect | @nmiguelrf

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